Jessica Schmidt/ dancer, Artistic Directress of Champs de Cinabre. Constantly in formation, distortion, transformation, her main work
instrument is her body and energy that cross it: she is still in
progress... Actress for ten years for french theater companies... while
training in contemporary dance with Cedric Pecquay (Companie Dans ces Légendes)
... She now walks the path of butoh, mainly with Atsushi Takenouchi and
Gyohei Zaitsu ... Her experimental field is currently focused on
performance: Variations Triangulaires (Etre, in the company of Stéphane Guillaumon and Sylvain Miskiewicz), Body-Sound Duos (kouïR, Opus1: Chrysalide, created in July 2011) and solos (La Scimita, in progress ...)